Monday, February 11, 2008

Thing 5: More Fun with Flickr

I spent some time exploring the suggested websites. I spent the most time on Spell with Flickr, but couldn't find a way to post it to my blog.

I can see that someone who has a lot of playtime could have some fun with this thing, but honestly I don't see a very practical use of the technology for my purposes with the exception of some creative library posters. Maybe I'm missing something.

I think public photo sharing is fine as long as we don't post "people" photos without permission.

1 comment:

Cindy said...


There are a lot of tools that you can use, Flickr...some do seem frivolous, but then again to a degree that's what 2.0 is all about. There are a lot interesting tools to utilize. For example in Flickr you can use one of the "photo" displays to place photos of books to display to your patrons.

One of the major aspects of 2.0 is exploring and creating...go forth and have more fun.

Keep us posted about your experiences.

Cindy Gruwell
CMLE 23 Things Coach